I have too many fantasies to be a housewife. I guess I am a fantasy. - Marilyn Monroe

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween - Before the madness...

 The annual Halloween party given by my family in California kicks off at 8:30 this evening so everyone is puttering about the house cleaning, assembling, visiting and watching really bad horror movies.  I have busted out my camera and taken some preliminary shots of the festivities.  I can't wait for tonight; my costume is retro-rific!

The Halloween Cake, during the final stages of assembly
Detail of the cake.
Detail of the cake.
Terry, proud creator!
The cake is awesome!  Terry always does an incredible job creating a new Halloween-themed cake every year and this one is so detailed.  I had to share some shots of her mad creativity!

In the retro vein, I had to take a couple shots of my friend Richard's incredible Art Deco era bar!  I just about fell over in envy when I saw it.
Shot of the entire bar. The side wings and table top swing out all at once.
A portable bar on the top along with other antique and Halloween goodies.
Closeup of the swing out wings and table.
Stay posted for more incredible pics!

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